Now is the time to put all of that advice into action and repay some of the lovely people who have supported me along the way.
For 2017, will run 12 x 10kms. One per month. I will obviously run a lot more that that (in preparation, with the club and just for fun), but I will complete 12 official organised races. The intention is to feel competent at the distance, gain confidence in my running, see a variety of races around the North West, meet lots of lovely other runners and of course raise some cash for KIND.
KIND is a charity very close to my heart and is Liverpool ONE's charity partner. As a children, both me and my husband both enjoyed days out with the charity and I hope my challenge will help raise funds to help lots more children experience the adventures we had.
I don't usually ask for sponsorship for my races, I don't believe I run far enough to warrant your donations. This challenge isn't just about one race though so thought it was different enough. It's about a year long commitment, helping others to see they could try running too and seeing if throughout the year some lovely cash could be raised for KIND.
And finally - if I encourage you to take up running and you learn a little about KIND, you've benefitted too! Thank you if you choose to donate.