اَلسَّلاَ مُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَا تُ
We pray you are all in the best of health Insha'AllAh.
Masjide Fatimah Zohara
This page has been created for our beloved beautiful marhooma mother Hajyani Zohara Alli Bapu (Kamboliwala) who sadly left this temporary earth on Thursday 21.01.2021 after magrib salah (jumma)
Where do I begin who our mother was.
Our beautiful mother was a phenomenal soul both inwardly and outwardly. A mother, wife, sister, daughter and a aunt always full of colour and life that’s use to leave our house warm, she would light up a room just with her presence. Our beautiful mother would put everyone before herself always, The heartbeat and the warmth of our house.
Alhumdulilah our mother has left so many beautiful memories behind that has touched many hearts and loved, cherished,everyone young, small, old.
She was a force that has allowed people to reconcile, change for the better, and spread love and growth to the Ummah.
Alhumdulilah all this is a means of Sadqa e Jariyah for our beautiful mother , إن شاء الله .
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, ‘Whoever constructs a masjid for Allah, Allah will construct a house for him in Paradise’. (Bukhari)
Therefore, In the memory of our beautiful mother we have decided the best way to honour her is to raise money to build Masjid for Esale Sawaab for our marhooma mother in Pakistan Masjid E Fatimah Zohara. The costing of the masjid will be approximately £10,000 that would accommodate around 150 Musallees.
A Masjid is at the heart of any local Muslim community. It provides a place for its worshippers to pray and contemplate, as well as being a hub for educational programmes and other everyday services. Beyond that, the role of the Masjid is to help people extend their knowledge of Islam and to nurture their moral and spiritual development.
By building a Masjid you will not only earn the reward of providing a community with the necessity of a house of Allah, but your Sadaqah Jariyah will continue to flourish benefit and reward for our beautiful mother. I kindly urge all you brothers and sisters to donate in the name of Allah swt.
We Pray Allah swt gives anyone who reads this message firmness of Imaan and secondly the closeness of The Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
May Allah swt reward every one of you for your kindness and your family abundantly and immensely.
Please continue to make special dua that Allah swt grants our marhooma mother and all our beloved marhumeens maghfirat, peace, tranquility and the highest abode in Jannatul Firdous
امِيْن يَارَبَّ الْعَالَمِي