I have worked as an advocate and ambassador for over 5 years with Aurora New Dawn and once a month I risk assess victims and their families in the response car unit with Hampshire Constabulary. The statistics of 104 women a year in the UK being murdered by a partner are not widely known and 80% of that is witnessed by children. When you have direct exposure to the number of calls the police are dealing with every day and the infrastructure and services needed to save these families lives it is not something you forget easily. Violence can come in all sorts of forms and by far the hardest parts for me to forget is how 'creative' perpetrators can be with their cruelty and abuse of their family and children. If anyone reading this is being affected or knows of anyone who is vulnerable please call 999 or contact national charities like Womens Aid and Refuge. Aurora is a frontline service who received over 3000 calls in Hants alone over the last 2 years and who work with families and their support and compassion is limitless but of course funding is not. Thank you very much for your kind donations! #namaste x