50+ years ago I was born with lots of various heart defects which were and still are very life threatening.......
This news paper photo on here was on the front page of the Beccles and Bungay Gazette (Beccles and Bungay Journal - 25th September 1970 after I returned home from The Royal Brompton Hospital. Definatly life changing for me and for others as was the first to survive this operation. I really do thank Mr Tubbs, Dr Chang and all the team. Now I'm in the hands of the lovely Heart Consultant Leisa Freeman at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital. Without her and fellow The Somerville Foundation (GUCH) Doctors and Nurses I would not be here today. The latter being life threatening aneurysm on the right ventricular heart and patched pulmonary valve in 2003 and fitting of my ICD in 2013 after a VF most commonly identified arrhythmia in heart attacks........NOTHING KEEPS ME DOWN!