Kiki Stengel

Kiki's Save our Manatees

Fundraising for Save The Manatee Club Inc
We protect manatees and their habitat to aid in their recovery and protection.


Many years ago Jimmy Buffet was cleaning his boat and there were manatees checking out what he was doing. He realized that these gentle creatures needed protection and helped co-found Save the Manatee Club in 1981. Today, almost 40 years later, our organization remains focused on saving these wondrous creatures. With increased awareness, education, regulations, and enforcement, manatee deaths caused by humans could be substantially reduced, and the eventual recovery of the species could be realized. With your help we can achieve these goals!

About the charity

We concentrate our efforts on: Increasing public awareness and education; Sponsoring research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release efforts; Advocating for strong protection measures; Taking legal action when appropriate; Supporting international manatee conservation efforts worldwide

Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.

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