Hi there,
Thank you so much for following the link to my just giving page. If you know me properly you will know how much I hate exercising and most of all running - so this is a big deal for me.
Sadly, in November 2019 I lost one of the most amazing humans in this world, one I got to call my grandma. My grandma struggled with her heart for many years having several heart attacks, being in intensive care all before having a pacemaker fitted- she was a fighter.
Her pacemaker started to fail and was unable to keep up with her fast heartbeat. Surgery was needed ASAP to help my grandma. A week after her 66th birthday, the hospital had a cancellation which we thought was great news, she would feel better in herself and ready for the festive feast. Sadly for all of us, during the surgery she had a stroke, it left her 75% brain dead, there was no way our fighter would have came around and we had to say our goodnights and goodbyes.
This year I am wanting to raise money for the British heart foundation and I'd be so grateful for your support. The BHF has helped halve the number of people dying from heart and circulatory disease in the UK but sadly every day hundreds of people lose their lives unexpectedly.
It's only thanks to support from people like us that the BHF can create new treatments and discover new cures. £24 could pay for two hours of research by an early career scientist, but every pound helps so please give what you can to help me hit my target
Kels x