Most of us have felt the reality of cancer first hand. Whether it be a friend, family or work colleague, cancer affects everyone.
People suffering from cancer and the affects need support. It may be support from a friend, family member or a Macmillan nurse. Macmillan nurses & volunteers help and support a victim from answering questions, emotional support- right through to financial advise.
In 2013 98% of Macmillan income was through voluntary donations and fundraising.
So we want to raise some money for this amazing charity to help them support more families.
Me, dean and Lissie, have all experienced family members who have suffered this evil disease. So we want to help support. We will be walking around the Isle of Wight, along the 67 mile Coastal path. Starting our 4 day adventure on Monday 1st September.
Day 1- Arrive in Ryde and walk down to Ventnor and camp overnight
Day 2- Walk from Ventnor to Freshwater and camping overnight.
Day 3- Walk from Freshwater to East Cowes & camp overnight.
Day 4- Walk from East Cowes to ryde to get the Hoover back to Portsmouth.
BUT................. We won't just be walking we will be backpacking. No electric, no luxury beds. just standard pitches on a campsite. (And for anyone who knows lissie this is an Alien holiday haha)! So please people dig deep and help us to help others in need! Thankyou for looking at our page. Xxxxxxxxx