It’s been a very trying year for so many families, this is an opportunity to do good while having fun. I am so looking forward to getting out of my zoom room, actually being with people, while getting familiar with the White Mountains. But most importantly, it is an opportunity to lend support for those who need a helping hand to lift themselves out of the significant challenges brought on by COVID-19. It is an opportunity to help others get back on their feet. An opportunity to contribute to solutions on homelessness, poverty, childhood hunger, lack of healthcare, and an opportunity to support education and provide mentorship to create independence for life. These insecurities were all there pre-COVID, but are now rampant in our society, and for so many the challenges are not the fault of those affected. While I have always been an individual contributor and even more so over the past year, I’m really excited to participate and to give generously to this cause, knowing that together, in a more meaningful way, we can all lend a helping hand.