During the COVID-19 lockdown, the impact on the Greenwich Foodbank is already telling. A number of donation points have closed or are not able to operate reliably, and the number of referrals has increased. The clients of the Greenwich Foodbank are referred to them by a number of agencies, and provided with emergency packs which contain three days worth of food.
So, please help us walk, run, cycle and exercise within your lockdown restrictions, to collectively cover the distance from Whippany to Pune via the UK (12,500 Km) and raise money for the Greenwich Foodbank.
To contribute to the race to the finish, just submit yours and your family's
weekly distances by midday each Wednesday to the Citizenship and Community
mailbox. Every 20 minutes of aerobic exercise for anyone who is currently unable to leave the home or has chosen not to will be counted as 3 Km
to the total.
We've also set ourselves a fundraising target alongside your physical efforts - we're aiming to raise £1 for every kilometre travelled. So any donations
that you can make throughout your journey to help us reach this target and
generate much needed funds for the Greenwich Foodbank during these unprecedented times will be massively appreciated!