I loved my Dad and he was taken away far too soon. The British Heart Foundation were helpful so many times during his lifetime and I miss him all the time.
I have already exceeded my original target of £250 - with thanks to the staff at LJMU for their considerable generosity. But, there is still more work to do. So, I have reset the challenge and hope to raise more than the £900 that is my new target - with your help, I can do it!! While I embark on my new challenge, which is to raise this money, you may want to know what I'm doing that makes your donation worthwhile.
The baking is clearly a hugely successful thing, so I shall keep on with that. But, there will be more. In addition to the research that is part of my job, I am going to write a BOOK, which I will also try to get published properly, or will publish for kindle online. If you know how hard I find writing, you know this will be quite the challenge! However, that is sedentary so, I am also going to: learn to ride a bike (I've given this a shot already and it didn't go too well 😳); ice-skate (a concept that I find unusually terrifying - hopefully, I will avoid A&E and plaster!); do a 5K swim, which is quite a long way actually and attempt to train a wilful and ditsy black lab to do some agility work. If I can nail the bike riding thing, I'll throw in a 7.5K cycle - clearly, if I learn to ride, I'm gonna have to buy a bike!
The British Heart Foundation works hard to provide research into this killer. They provide support and information to families and they need our help to keep up the good work. I'm not a cardiologist, nor am I a personal trainer so I'll be taking myself decidedly out of my comfort zone, all in the name of charity!
So, please consider sponsoring me (some more!) and I look forward to the next step in this fund raising challenge!!