Hi! Fancy seeing you here!
Well, seeing as you're passing through, why don't you sponsor me?
I've foolishly agreed to cycle the 54 miles from London to Brighton on 11 September, but the good news is that I'm doing it for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity.
Now, it's easy to question the Royal Marsden's fundraising strategy since it seems to depend on fat men cycling long distances. If it was up to me, I'd have released a charity single or got Lenny Henry involved somewhere. People love that guy and his budget hotels.
But anyway, ignore all that for now and think about the value of even just a few quid to the Royal Marsden.
From your point of view, you're donating to a worthwhile and important cause. From my point of view, the more money I raise, the guiltier I'll feel for quitting after five miles and taking a train for the rest of the journey. Let's not let that happen, folks.
All your contributions are appreciated, as is any sympathy for aching bones and other bits when it's all finished.
Thanks for visiting,