An intrepid team of explorers from Joe Davies is setting off on a torturous adventure across the Pennines on the weekend of 25th/26th June.
Team members include the walkers Linzi Watts,Vicky Bonser, Paul Hooker and Paul Whitfield- and a crew of much needed support staff, including Julie Whitfield and Phyllis Bonser.
MEGAHIKE is an exceptionally challenging 50-mile hike will begin at daybreak on the 25th June 2011 from Hollingworth Lake in Littleborough. The route will test us both physically and mentally as we trek along sections of the 'backbone of England' the Pennine Way.
This is all in aid of MedEquip4Kids
The charity's policy is to fund items known to improve the care provided to children but not readily available with the NHS's limited budgets.
So please dig deep and donate now.