Hello Friends! We hope that you will join us in supporting study abroad scholarships at the University of California! As an undergraduate, Jodi studied in Mexico via UC EAP (with the help of a scholarship!) which was a life-changing experience and gave her the confidence to apply for a scholarship to later do her MA in England. As many of you know, Chris and Jodi, subsequently met in 1995 when they were both doing Masters degrees in the UK! So they have scholarships to thank for so very much!!
We are proud to be supporters of the UCSB and the UCLA UK Study Abroad Scholarships (for over 6 years now!). You can help us enable UC students to have the amazing experience of studying abroad! Please show your support for the UC student community and for equipping students with the global perspectives that are so important in today's world. Let's do something positive and ensure that all students (regardless of income), with the drive and ability to study abroad, are able to do so! Thank you for helping us make a difference.
- Jodi & Chris
P.S. Please specify if you want your donation to go to UCLA or UCSB if you have a preference. Thank you!