Joanna Preston

Joanna's page

Fundraising for Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity
raised of £2,000 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: Virgin London Marathon 2011, on 17 April 2011
We help the hospital to transform the lives of children


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Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you well. I can't believe it's been almost a year since my first 26.2 mile feat around London and shockingly, the next hurdle is only about eight weeks away. Eeek!!

The experience of finishing the marathon last year was so exciting that I promptly signed up for 2011. Having managed to forget about the dark early morning runs and the aches and pains that accompany long distance running - about six weeks ago, all those memories came flooding back when I started training for this year's marathon on April 17, 2011. While the dark mornings are always tricky, knowing how amazing the race day is gets me out the door "most" of the time.

Beyond the personal satisfaction that I got from finishing, as I did last year, I am running to support a cause which is true to my heart. This year, I'm running for Sparks, a children's medical research charity based in the UK, with a global impact. Spark's mission is to help all babies be born healthy and subsequently, stay healthy. They do this by funding high quality medical research into childhood and infant diseases. 
This time last year someone close to me was affected by Turner's Syndrome, a rare chromosomal abnormality. No one should have to face the hurdles this young mother carrying a Turner's baby did and I am inspired to raise funds for Spark's to generate research into why these abnormalities happen and what we can do to stop them. 
Sparks does more than research, they also make incredible achievments. Most recently, Sparks-funded research has identified a gene that may protect against all cancers including Neuroblastoma, which while rare is the most common cancer to children under five. Sparks's researchers have also identified genes that may be linked to severe Spina Bifida and they are contributing to the development of brain cooling equipment that is reducing the incidence of brain injury and cerebral palsy in babies.
By sponsoring me for the 2011 London Marathon, you will be supporting a cause which will make a difference and help sick children. 
 For those of you who will be in town on the 17th of April, please come to the marathon and show your support for the people who are running to help change lives.

With love,

Joanna x

About the charity

Sparks raises money to fund pioneering child health research across the UK, helping to find new treatments and cures for children and families who desperately need them.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £327.12 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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