My father was diagnosed with MDS cancer April 2019. Recieving a very special bone marrow match from my auntie in 2020. My Father was very fortunate that my auntie was a clear match, and he recieved the greatest gift, and we will forever be grateful 💗
Unfortunately, GVHD, and infection took him into hospital. My father's fight and will to get through was inspirational.
I always said I would do a sky dive, my families wishes of no flowers for his funeral; but instead donations to MDS Cancer in his memory has given me the push to do it for a good cause.
Any donation, if it be 50p, will make a difference. Anything will be greatly appreciated to raise awareness and give people a chance.
I have booked and I am jumping, 24th September 2023!!
Thank you 💞
MDS UK is the only charity in the UK providing vital support, information, advice and conducting research solely into Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)- a rare blood cancer where the bone marrow fails to produce healthy blood cells. We are a small charity that needs YOUR support!