In typical Portuguese style, I'm getting our fundraising page ready just in time. It's good I didn't follow the same approach to my training!
I had never ever dreamt I would be running a half marathon one day. Yet, here I am, proving that even non-dreams can become true. If you know me, you'll know two things about this run:
1. It's an incredible thing for me to be able to do it!
2. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Nicky, so big round of applause for him.
Last year, my Mum was diagnosed with lung cancer. As we discussed medical options and possibilities and treatments, I became ever so thankful to all the people who work incessantly in the background to give us the amazing gift of medical choice and feeling - at a time when the world is collapsing on your head - that you have a good fighting chance!
My Mum is now recovering, with us. It is still frightening, but we're in the clear. And I would like to give something back to those people that gave me hope, people researching cancer. Please help me!