Hi, my name is Jim and I'm doing a sponsored bungee jump at Windsor Bray on the 25th of August 2013 for the ME Association.
My best friend Amy inspired me to do this. I think bungee jumping is a fitting activity because the couarge it takes to bungee jump represents the courage Amy has to muster up to get through her daily life.
Amy suffers from ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis). It’s a neurological illness that can be fatal. It is estimated that 250,000 people in the UK alone are suffering from this truly horrible disease, but it's poorly understood by many doctors and health professionals (some even refuse to believe it exists), research is underfunded and there is currently no cure, but I believe hand on heart that they will eventually find a cure with the right funding.
But until then Amy, her family and the many other people out there suffering from this disabling disease, desperately need better healthcare and support. Look around you, it’s more common than you expect. PLEASE help me to make a difference in those peoples lives by sponsoring me and maybe one day those doctors will wake up. Please, if not for me, do it for Amy, her family and the many other sufferers out there.
For more information about ME, please visit the ME Association website