I'm putting myself through mental and physical pain, fear and endurance to raise funds for a way out
This is no ordinary 10K.... this is a 10k from hell.
Running in a 10K can be testing but imagine being faced with 8ft walls, swamps, tunnels and fire - Well that's what i'm doing in the name of charity haha
I will be running up steep hills, through mud, water and fire enduring total warriors, specially designed gruelling course. Not everyone will finish, but knowing I have your support, i am going to do my best
I know this is going to be a challenge, but i'm doing it because I know that the chidren and girls this money will help, go through much worse pain, both emotionally and physically. And if this will make some of my friends dig deep, then I think it is worth it.
So please sponsor me today.. It is so easy, just click and just giving will take your details and your money and even claim a lovely 25% extra gift aid back from the government.