Jessica Woodford passed away in December 2016 at the age of only 38 following an 18 month battle with an aggressive form of brain cancer. She was an incredibly special person to her husband, family, friends and of course her 2 beautiful little girls. So in her honour I'm going to run my first ever half marathon and do it with a smile on my face throughout just like gorgeous jess! Those who know me are aware that this is going to be a big challenge!
I want to raise as much money as possible to fund research into creation of new treatments for brain tumours. Following my family's experience and working in cancer care I am very aware that the range of treatments available to brain tumour patients are limited, especially compared to the advances made in treating other forms of cancer, we need to find a cure, now, to end suffering caused by brain tumours.
Please donate generously and wish me luck!
'The Brain Tumour Charity is at the forefront of the fight to defeat brain tumours, making a difference every day to the lives of people with a brain tumour and their families. We fund pioneering research to increase survival, raise awareness of the symptoms and effects of brain tumours and provide support for everyone affected to improve quality of life. We are committed to having the biggest possible impact for every person affected by a brain tumour, and to defending the most amazing part of the human body.'