Hey Thank you for taking time to look at my page.
I am running the Liverpool Half Marthon this year. I would love to say im looking forward to it. I'm not! I'd say i'm mildly excited for the challange and the the thought of crossing the line. But mainly i'm dreading the pain and i know everyday it is getting closer!!
I have never run in a competition before well I have never really run in my life and whenever i have tried well lets say it was never a good thing. I've always thought running was a silly sport and those people running around early morning in flurescents where to be avoided ! But I have become one of these people now !! Ish ..
I have been running my bum off at running club and training with my friend (Steph Swinden) and working really hard to achieve some distance and to get faster as when i first started i couldn't run a mile and it was probably slower than walking pace.
This is all nonesense to make you know I am working hard so you feel i have earned your donation but the real reason i am doing this is because a young friend of mine is currently in Alder Hey with Leukemia and i would like to raise money to say thank you for all the care they have given her and her family and I would like to help to make sure many other families can also benefit from their amazing care.
So please anything you could donate would make my day and help Imagine and all those families and maybe just maybe it will give me more enthusiasm to keep going mile after mile .
x x x