What’s this all about?
I am climbing KIlimanjaro on March 4th 2011. My lovely dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers 2 years ago. The effect that this has had on our family has been immmense. It is devastating to see someone you love, realise that they are losing their memory. Knowing that although they are still with you, they are unable to retain and remember basic information. Caring for someone like my Dad has taken its toll on my Mum, so I feel like I am losing both parents. This charity helps to understand more about Altzheimers and other dementia illnesses and helps provide much needed support for people like my parents.
Noowadays, nearly all of us know someone who’s either been diagnosed with demetia, or cared for a friend or family member with the condition. So you’ll also appreciate what a huge comfort having professional, specialist and supportive care can be for sufferers and their families.
Every year, thousands of people rely on the unstinting support of the Alzheimer's Society. They provide counselling and respite care - amongst other things - funded solely by charitable donations.
Any donation you can make - however small - will be deeply appreciated.