Aston is 9 years old. He loves school, he loves his friends and he loves life. Aston has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Currently there is no cure for DMD with patients not living much past their twenties. Aston can no longer walk, requires a wheelchair full time, regular hoisting, various treatments/medication and subsequently struggles with the physical aspects of his young life. He loves swimming though...
Over the past two years the improvement in Aston's swimming has been remarkable. With the invaluable help and dedication from Kimberley Swimming club and their incredible swim teachers, Aston has slowly but surely achieved his swim goals.
On the 22nd of August Aston is going for his 1000m. A huge milestone for him and one that he wants to use as an ideal opportunity to raise money for Duchenne Now. Duchenne Now is a charity that focuses ALL money raised into finding a cure for Dunhenne muscular dystrophy.
We don't know any other DMD sufferer that can do anything close to this swim so PLEASE get behind him. Aston cannot walk 1 metre but is swimming 1000! Let's do this