To All My Friends,
I am raising money to build a three classrooms block for a school in Rwanda. The existing school is very overcrowded and dilapidated and anything that you can give will go a long way in Rwanda which is one of the poorest countries in the world.
The money you are donating is going towards the bricks and mortar needed to build the school. Twenty of us are working together to raise the £35,000 needed finance and build the school. I'll be going to Rwanda in February to help to build the school.
Everyone knows Rwanda since it hit the headlines around the world in 1994 with its terrible genocide. Now 15 years on it is peaceful but still suffering the consequences and so a good education is vitally important.
So if you can give a few pounds it will make a huge difference to the thousands of pupils that will pass through the school and to the whole village for many years to come. Helping provide an education is the best we can help the country for the long term.
Thanks for all your help!