🏃♀️ So my dad said I can do it so I’m gonna do it for him (and mum) ….. Sheffield Half Marathon 😱27th March …For those of you that know me, know this is a massive thing for me but I’m doing it to raise money for PSP (progressive supranuclear palsy) which my dad has. It’s an awful disease which not many people have heard of, it often get mis diagnosed as Parkinson’s but has similar symptoms to motor neurone disease. Not once has my hero of a dad every whinged or moaned about this, and Mum deserves an absolute medal for everything she does and how she cares for him. So please help me in raising money in the hope one day they will find some medication that will help, or even better a cure 🤞 My work will also match fund me so any amount will help, thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and don’t worry I will never ever be doing one ever again 🤣 PLEASE SHARE MY PAGE XX