Thank you visiting my just giving page, this is something we haven't put in the public domain but after much soul searching we have come to realise that cancer can effect anyone both young and old.
On the 8th January 2019 my beloved husband attended a GP's appointment after discovering blood in his urine. Two days later we were called to BDGH and we were informed that he had bladder cancer following an examination.
We were both absolutely devastated and from that day our lifes changed forever, if you have never had to deal with this disease you can not comprehend how it impacts on your life. Hospital appointments become part of your everyday life and life as you once knew it is over.
Initially we were told that the cancer was superficial and required surgery this was then carried out on 16th January, just 6 days after his original diagnosis. Eric was brave and faced it head on, his love for his family spurred him on and we both remained positive.
However........we were then called to DRI following a CT scan and it was here we were delivered the devastating news that the cancer had moved out of his bladder.
To date we have attended 5 hospitals for tests and investigation and the care & treatment which he has received has been phenomenal.
Eric is currently receiving chemotherapy at Weston Park Cancer Hospital and his determination to walk his young daughter down the aisle is what keeps him focused while fighting this dreadful disease. For those who are unaware, chemotherapy is so debilitating and makes the most basic of tasks virtually impossible.
Being a nurse myself, i am aware of the shortage of funds within the NHS - however, the care delivered and dedication of the whole team is something which we feel needs acknowledging hence the reason for my fundraising.
For those of you that are not aware, Weston Park is a teaching hospital that is continually striving to find a cure for this disease which effects so many lives.
The costs involved for treatments, care and ongoing research is priceless - so please read our story and Eric's journey to understand the implications that cancer can have on your life.
Thank you
Jane, Eric, Lewis and Daisy Bestwick