OK guys and gals... this is the big one!!
After weeks of umming and ahhing after finishing the half marathon in December... I have bitten the bullet and booked it… the Kent Roadrunner marathon.
I've chosen Cancer Research, as I'm pretty sure we all know someone, be it a family member or a friend or even a friend of a friend, who currently is or has battled with the dreaded C word in the past.
It seems to be getting rifer these days and Cancer Research does great work in this area.
Running a marathon is a massive thing for me, I've always toyed with the idea and to be honest... after running the half marathon back in December, all I could think about when I passed the finish line was how on earth could I run that again. Well, now I'm going to find out... and I'd love to raise some money for a worthwhile charity whilst doing it.
If I thought the training was tough for the half... I KNOW it's going to be mega tough for the full one.
I would like to thank everybody that donated on my last one first off.
Please please please donate again if you can, and help support me in completing something that I've wanted to do pretty much my whole life, but been a tad too scared to up to this point.
It's going to be emotional ;-)