In June this year 14 riders will be travelling the 500 miles in 5 days from Cardiff to Dundee on their push bikes (they are in fact all slightly mad).
I'm one of three support drivers who will be making the first part of the trip from Dundee with all the equpment/bikes. Then travelling back with the team over the five days and making sure that they are safe, have plenty of spares etc as well as taking plenty of videos and photos along the way.
We will be making short 30 mile trips leapfrogging the riders and setting up pit stops throughout the 5 days to provide refreshments and food etc.
Anything you can give will go directly into the overall pot so please give what you can for a worthy cause. Our overall target as a group is £15,000.
The more money I raise....the more embarassing the pictures of the team will be!