Epilepsy interrupts the lives of ordinary, extraordinary people. It’s invisible. It’s unpredictable. It’s frightening.
A close family member has battled courageously throughout their life to overcome not only the physical effects but is also constantly battling the emotional and non-physical obstacles and problems this condition brings with it. They are constantly striving for normality and although the brave and determined attitude gets him a long way, further research and understanding is needed to help him and others with this life changing condition. Anything I can do to help I will, Epilepsy Research UK needs funding and hopefully you will sponsor me and my efforts to help others. I ran for this charity when I was 30 and 40 so guess why I am running this year especially!!!!
Epilepsy Research UK is the only UK charity exclusively dedicated to driving and enabling life changing, life saving research into epilepsy.A life free from epilepsy is possible. But only through research.Join our #ALifeInterrupted campaign