My sister and I are taking part in the London Fields Aquathon in support of the Jake McCarthy Foundation. This will involve swimming 400 metres and running 5k.
The Foundation was set up to raise awareness of the symptoms of brain tumours and ensure early diagnosis, in the memory of the beautiful Jake McCarthy. The aim is to to help fund research - the spend on research into brain tumours is relatively low at less than 1% of the cumulative national cancer research spending in the UK.
Jake was a friend of both of ours and we would like to do anything we can to help raise awarenes of this tragic condition. We know that this is not the toughest challenge, and there are lots of people fundraising at the moment, but we would really appreciate your support of this cause. Plus, anyone who knows the Pay family knows we are not really built for running long distances...
There is also every chance that Olivia will pull an almighty strop at being resoundly beaten by her big brother.
Thank you in advance,
James and Olivia.