Having being diagnosed with Epilepsy as a teenager I have somewhat struggled to accept or handle the condition and all that it entails. It unfortunately has affected my daily living in the past and the condition rarely leaves the back of my mind. I have experienced prejudice on occasion but more generally a lack of understanding or knowledge about the condition. Ignorance has even spilled out into the workplace on a couple of occasions and I have been left to defend my position because of medieval myths.
I myself are meeting more and more people, of all ages being diagnosed with the condition and 600,000 people in UK are living with the condition right now (65 million globally). Its only in the last year or two I haven't felt the need to cover up my condition. It's probably helped by the fact that I'm older, wiser, stronger and my seizures are well controlled.
I wish to stop feeling afraid, stop feeling ashamed and stop feeling embarrassed about my condition. I use that as my motivation and inspiration in running for Epilepsy Action and raising an awareness of the condition and hopefully lowering the number of people young and old who have felt powerless with the condition like me. I want to turn something from a negative into a positive for myself and others. Ultimately, raising a positive awareness of Epilepsy and dispelling the myths is my main objective. People who live with epilepsy do so in silence and it is a condition which is often unspoken and not given the coverage the condition deserves.
So, please give whatever you can afford as you'll most likely be helping someone you already know but not necessarily knew had Epilepsy. Your generosity is most gratefully received,
Thank you!