On 31 March I went to Africa to support AfriKids in Ghana as part of The Experience Challenge with Allen & Overy Alumni Network. For me, it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to get involved first hand with some of the AfriKids operations which finance and deliver sustainable child rights projects in the Upper East Region of Ghana.
Part of my time involved teaching children in schools; seeing how funds raised through the AfriKids-A&O partnership were being invested; and how the life changing projects, like Operation Bolgatanga and the Next Generation Home, take the next steps towards handing over to an independent and sustainable AfriKids Ghana operation in 2018.
What is The Experience Challenge?
In a nutshell, it is a physical, emotional and mental challenge with opportunity to:
· live and work alongside an African family, living in a traditional mud hut compound in rural northern Ghana;
· learn about a new culture and what life is like in a region where 70% of the population are in poverty;
· witness the innovative and inspiring ways local individuals work to overcome the everyday challenges they face as individuals, as families and as communities; and
· experience genuine development on the ground and raise the funds needed to turn young lives around, forever.
How Can You Help?
Take a moment to consider everything we take for granted on a daily basis… food, clean water, shelter, medical care and the safety and education of our children. How would you feel if you were able improve the lives of others simply by donating the cost of a cup of coffee?
It’s not about feeling sorry for people in poverty, it’s about opening up opportunities for communities to succeed and have pride in their achievements. It’s about innovation and support through social enterprise programmes which help children, families and communities build a brighter, sustainable future which is independent of Western aid.
What if your donation went towards raising funds for vital child rights work, creating jobs and boosting economic growth in one of the poorest regions of the world, year, after year, after year?
Where is the money spent?
£65 is enough to pay for a microfinance loan for a woman to invest in a new business, which will enable her to generate an income for her family to fund necessities like schooling for her children and healthcare insurance for her entire family for a year (which is only £9 per family!).
£1,000 is enough to fund a new delivery bed and medicine trolley for the Maternity Ward at the AfriKids Medical Centre.
Why AfriKids?
AfriKids is a Child Rights organisation working to improve life for Ghana’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged children which:
· Listens to what the community knows it needs
· Empowers them to make the necessary changes themselves
· Ensures absolute sustainability
Their work ranges from the more traditional children’s projects including foster homes, schools and street child centres to more groundbreaking initiatives which tackle complex cultural issues including child trafficking, child labour and the spirit child phenomenon.
This award winning Non-Government Organisation holds a host of accolades from the Institute of Fundraising to the Ghanaian Government. Among these tributes...
2010 – Winner of Social Enterprise of the Year (Charity Times Awards)
2009 – Winner of the Education Ward - AfriKids Ghana (STARS Impact Awards)
2007 – Winner of Accountability and Transparency (Third Sector Excellence Awards)
2007 – Winner of Protection of Child Rights (International Service Awards)
2004 – Winner of the Most Outstanding Contribution to Ghana
(Ghana Professional Achievers Award)
Read more about AfriKids at
UK Registered Charity Number: 1093624
Ghana Registered Charity Number: DSW/3024
My Personal Fundraising Target
I have committed to raise £1,500 for AfriKids; £1,000 will go directly to AfriKids’ projects and the additional £500 will go towards my trip costs whilst in Africa. Please note this excludes my flights between the UK and Africa, visa, vaccinations, anti-malarials and kit list, all of which I am responsible for financing myself.
Donations above £1,500 will also go directly AfriKids.
In addition to running fundraising events throughout the year, my fundraising initiatives will include running a selection of fun and informative Confidence Building Workshops for groups of young adults and a range of educational classes designed for Junior School children around “Positive Body Image” in line with the Government’s body confidence campaign. Look out for these FREE workshops which will be advertised in late Srping]
I really appreciate all your support and thank you so much for any donations you are able to make.
Let’s get some “big smiles on little faces”!
Thank you for taking the time to read my fundraising page
Please help me, help AfriKids, help people, help themselves!