In September 2014, The Three Hairy Cyclists (aka. Jarrod Patterson, Adrian Hutchinson & Andrew Humphries), will get on their bikes at London Heathrow and pedal their padded pants off over 4 days and the 188 miles to Disneyland Paris.
Jarrod, Adrian and Andrew will be cycling in support of Dreamflight, a wonderful
charity which changes lives by taking seriously ill and disabled
children from all over the UK on the Disneyworld holiday of a lifetime
every October. Accompanied by an army of doctors, nurses, physios &
non-medical volunteers on hand 24-hours a day, the children leave
their families behind and discover independence, confidence and a whole
new outlook on life. With your support, we would like to raise
£5,000 for this year's Dreamflight adventure.
Jarrod, Adrian & Andrew