My father Izio was born in Poland in 1948. He grew up in the Jesse Cohen neighborhood in Holon Israel, an area which in the 1950s was known for its poverty and crime. In the 1970s he moved to London, where I was born and currently live.
My father Izio suffered from heart disease in his later years. He died in London on 16th Feb 1995 at just 47 years old while I was in my second year of University.
In memory of my father I hope to complete 47 10km runs over the coming 12 months. On 15th Jan 2022, one year from today, I will turn 47. Please come and join me if you feel like a (slow) run and a chat!
The Charity I have chosen to support is called Save a Child's Heart and is based in Holon, although I believe the work they do has a global impact.
Save A Child's Heart is an international, non-governmental humanitarian organisation, based in the Wolfson Medical Centre, Holon, Israel. Since 1995 SACH has performed over 5,700 life-saving surgeries on children from 62 countries and trained 130+ doctors and clinicians. Over half of the children treated come from the Middle East - Gaza, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. SACH treat children regardless of race, colour, religion, gender or financial status. Some 100 medical staff volunteer for SACH with the acclaimed lead surgeon Dr Lior Sasson and the dedicated medical team.