Sisterland is an Aberdeen based charity which has worked in Sierra Leone for 13 years. It’s latest project is the provision of a home offering safe refuge to women with babies living on the dangerous streets of Freetown as well as providing training to allow them to become self sufficient and move on. In the year since I visited Freetown to help set up the home, having collected and shipped donations to furnish it:
- 12 homeless mums with babies have used the facility, in addition to 30 mums who receive outreach support;
- a nursery facility has been built in the grounds and is operating to support the young children; and
- 2 mums have become hairdressers, 3 as seamstresses, 1 has set up trading, 2 are nursery students in a nearby school and 2 are training to be carers whilst 2 mums have been reunited with their families and 3 more will follow on completion of their courses.
Whilst this is a very small contribution to the many challenges facing Sierra Leonean women, it’s impact is very precious to those it touches.
This year we are trying to raise funds to help with the costs of continuing to run the home and 3 of us who visited last year are aiming to cycle the 120 miles from Nairn to Aberdeen, via The Lecht, on 14/15 September. I’m also climbing Ben Lomond and Lochnagar on 10/11 August and finishing off with the Loch Rannoch half marathon on 12 October.
If you can help in any way, your donation will be greatly appreciated both by me (when I’m only half way up The Lecht) and more importantly by the home. Thank you.