RSY-Netzer members all over the country will come together as a virtual community on 4th August. We will collectively walk 500 miles as, after so many years of creating life changing experiences for young Jewish people, Covid-19 has put the future of RSY-Netzer at risk.
RSY-Netzer's priority has always been keeping our community safe; they therefore made the sad but necessary decision to cancel in-person events this summer. This has led to significant financial losses, posing an unprecedented risk on their ability to operate.
We are looking to raise a combined total of £10,000 towards keeping RSY-Netzer running in, and beyond, this uncertain period. The RSY-Netzer Tsevet have already raised over £5,000 in their appeal! This will allow their staff and movement workers to run the excellent online summer provision; as well as ensuring they can look towards the future so that when we can safely meet again in person they will be prepared.