In 2013 Bleddyn Duffy lost his life at the young age of 25, due to complications with diabetes.
In memory of Bleddyn, his older sister, Blanche, has organised a team of 40 runners to pound the streets of Bristol, for the Bristol Half Marathon on September 21st.
We all know someone who has diabetes, but we can often overlook what a day-to-day struggle living with the condition can be. Every donation we receive will not only raise awareness, but the money will contribute to helping Diabetes UK carry out further research into finding a cure and provide those diagnosed, and their family members, with all the support they need. Our target is £10,000 so please donate generously - every donation matters.
I hate running. I've never ran any sort of race before, so every 1 of the 13 miles will be torture, but it's for such a great cause. Please do all you can to help us achieve our goal :)