Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Well, the clock's ticking and every week the runs are getting longer and harder. Just hoping the old body won't let me down. I never thought I'd find myself here but there again I never thought I'd fight in a boxing ring, so I guess the one thing I've learnt is never say never! I'm really excited about the Marathon and since it will be my first and probably my last, I promise you that I'll be trying my hardest to get round in a time I'm going to be proud of. Thanks to the girls who are coming down to London to support me (probably literally on the Sunday evening!) it means a lot (can't wait to see the playlists), thanks to those nearest and dearest who are having to put up with my incessant ramblings about hill reps and heart rates and a big thank you to everyone else who is supporting me through sponsorship.
I'm running for St Gemma's again. I'm sure most of you will have heard of the Hospice or possibly already come into contact with them so will be familiar with the fabulous work they do providing specialist medical and nursing care for people with life threatening illnesses, predominantly cancer, along with support for their families. They're a much needed resource and fundraising is vital to keep the whole thing going so every £1 really does count. So please dig deep, and don't forget the gift aid, better in their pockets than HMRC!
If you want to see where you're pennies will be spent then you can find their web-site at for a run!