I will be trekking 25miles of this beautiful UNESCO World Heritage site to raise money for Autism Anglia - the leading service provider in East Anglia for autistic people.They provide services and facilities that encourage autistic children and adults to live a rich and fulfilling life, achieving this through residential and supported living, training, education and campaigning.
I want to raise awareness around autistic women and girls. Attitudes towards autism and gender are changing, although we still have a long way to go. Many autistic women and girls are still struggling to get the support they need.
As someone with a Women's Studies Degree, I am interested in the gender diagnosis gap. I hope by participating on this walk, I will get people talking about this very issue.
"I feel autistic women are more likely to be described as 'anxious' and an autism diagnosis overlooked, since it can challenge gender stereotypes." Dr. Camilla Pang