Upland wading birds such as lapwing, snipe and curlew are on the brink of localised extinction in Staffordshire. Since 1985 local populations of these iconic species have plummeted.
We need your help to buy an area of land in the Staffordshire Moorlands that is used by ALL THREE species.
"Hazel Barrow" is approximately 30 acres and is adjacent to our Roaches and Black Brook nature reserves. The site is an unimproved grassland and has all the habitat features, such as tussocky grass and shallow streams that wading birds need to live and breed.
We've secured short term finance for two years to give us time to raise the £108,000 we need to buy the land. We've already raised almost half our target through a generous legacy so we're off to a great start.
Please help us to buy this land and secure a future for upland wading birds in Staffordshire.
Please note - this site is not part of Hazel Barrow Farm Camping and Holiday Cottage