Recently, there have been several incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault that have hit various media outlets. This really struck a nerve with me. In the past few weeks, I have experienced several forms of sexual harassment both in public places and while I’ve been out for runs alone. While my situations might seem less severe than many others, they were still terrifying and have forced me to change routes and stop running or going into certain places alone.
Unfortunately, these incidents happen far more often than one may think. Although many cases of sexual assault go unreported, there are approximately 460,000 reports of sexual assault in Canada every year (Statistics Canada, 2017). One in three women will experience some form of sexual assault during their lifetime. Women are more likely to be sexually assaulted or experience unwanted sexual behaviour during their lifetime than men are. “Not only are women more likely to experience these behaviours, the impact of them is greater. They are more likely to change routines or behaviours and face negative emotional consequences” (Canadian Women’s Foundation, 2022).
To help provide resources for women and to combat gender-based violence, I have started a fundraiser for the Canadian Women’s Foundation. The Canadian Women’s Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to end gender-based violence, assist low-income women, empower women, and provide resources to educate and inform women about gender-based violence and harassment. If you are able, I encourage you to research more about gender-based violence, educate/inform and/or donate. Each of these assist the Canadian Women’s Foundation provide resources to women across the nation.