Please help me and my sister get to the end of the London Marathon on 21st April. We are raising money for the National Autistic Society. I know I have asked you to donate before and I know my sister is ALWAYS asking but this is a charity that is dear to both our hearts. They do incredible work helping people with no way of translating the World around them to navigate the things we take for granted. A simple phrase like 'It's raining cats and dogs' can cause a person with Autism huge confusion as they will look for the cats and dogs falling from the sky. That's a cute anecdote but every day dealing with a World you can't understand or make understand you, is not cute or funny. The National Autistic Society provide support, education, careers advice and much much more.
Your donations will mean a lot on those long, lonely runs each weekend as we try and get our legs ready for this crazy feat. But more important than what they will mean to me and Siobhan, is what they will mean to many people who need your help.
Thank you in advance! Every £1 helps...if you only give £1 it will go a long way!