Siti is a Moor Macaque (Macaca maura) rescued from the illegal pet trade and currently living on her own at Lok Kawi Wildlife Park in Sabah, Malaysia. Macaques are a very social species and she desperately needs to be with others of her own kind. Moor Macaques are endemic to the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, so her current carers have asked Wild Welfare for help in repatriating her there.
Wild Welfare have found Siti a new home at Tasikoki Wildlife Rescue Centres Macaque Sanctuary, which can provide for her needs. There she will have the company of other macaques and will be integrated into a small group of young rescued individuals. Moor Macaques are Sulawesis most endangered species, so Siti is very important for their conservation and survival and it is hoped that this small troop will have the possibility of eventual release.
Will you help Wild Welfare transport Siti to her new home, improve her welfare and the overall conservation of her species?