Start: Thursday 13
th May 2010, Bolton. 202 mile cycling adventure to raise as much money as possible for Macmillan Cancer Support. Finish: Sunday 16
th May 2010, Vauxhall.
Simply put, the OWR Project is a charity bike ride from Bolton to London.
The core of the project and key reason for both its creation and ongoing support is a certain
Oliver William Richards.
Olly has been set an unimaginably tough day-in, day-out battle against bone cancer. The challenge is significant but so is the resolve of the loveable lad from Bolton.
The head-on approach and positive attitude he has unwaveringly shown is a real credit to him. He has inspired friends, family and colleagues to band together to set themselves a challenge of their own. Hence the birth of the OWR Project.
As a group it is difficult to play a really direct role in what is ultimately Olly’s own personal fight. However, Olly credits Macmillan Cancer Care with giving him the best possible platform to fight this disease and we can ensure that they continue to have the funding to assist not only Olly but also continue their priceless work helping many thousands of individuals, both young and old, during similar truly testing times.