Glenn Prior


Fundraising for Alzheimer's Society
raised of £1,000 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
Event: Brighton Marathon 2012, on 15 April 2012
Alzheimer's Society

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 296645
We provide help and hope to everyone living with dementia.


Good day y'all caring, sharing  and donation bearing folk!

The BRIGHTON MARATHON 2012 (yes it's like my own lil'olympics!) has provided me the opportunity to fulfil my dream of running 26-miles + 385-yards in a beautiful setting...what more could I ask for than to smell the fresh sea air and hear the rolling waves as I battle through the course!


But that's only the beginning of an epic dream! My ultimate goal is to raise funds of over £1000 and greater awareness for a cause that often goes unrecognised in society and is cast aside amid a flurry of other good causes.  There is no better time than 2012, when there will be intense focus on the efforts of the nations youthful sports stars, to remind people of the plight and needs of our elderly familes, neighbours and friends who suffer the torment and anguish that is thrust upon them by the Alzheimers disease.


My own story, as many of you will know, is that of Nanny May.  While she has not lost her charm, wit or caring nature, like many Alzheimers sufferers she has lost the human right to live a free and self-maintained life.  Day-to-day tasks are often impossible, complicated and frustrating, whilst remembering what day or year it is and what I did this morning has become a thing of the past.  Please just take the time to imagine not being able to remember what you read a mere minute ago.  I said, just imagine for 1-minute not being able to remember what you read a mere minute ago.


There is no logical reason why the disease effects certain people, whilst the speed at which it develops leaves anyone and everyone vulnerable.


You can see why the progressive work carried out by the Alzheimer's Society holds great importance for me and I can only hope that you will recognise the need to fund further research into the field to prevent and cure the suffering of future individuals and their families. 


May I thankyou in advance for your time and generosity (P.S. you simply must Gift Aid your donation - it would be silly not to!) as I go for gold at the BRIGHTON MARATHON 2012!


Can i get a WOOP! WOOP!

See you at the finish line y'all!



(Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity and make sure Gift Aid is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. So it’s the most efficient way to donate - I raise more, whilst saving time and cutting costs for the charity.)

About the charity

Alzheimer's Society

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 296645
At Alzheimer’s Society we’re working towards a world where dementia no longer devastates lives. We do this by giving help to those living with dementia today, and providing hope for the future by campaigning to make dementia the priority it should be and funding groundbreaking research.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £368.24 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.