I started running in my mid forties after having my little boy (now four) . Before Sebastian was born I did no exercise and enjoyed a rather sociable lifestyle.
Now it matters to me to keep fit . I have gone from doing couch to 5k to half marathon . This race on Sunday will be the furthest I have ever ran in my life .
Now I have some arthritis in my hips and a full time job at BIPC Liverpool. It’s tough going being a busy working mummy training sometimes but I’m hoping to do this in a decent time .
I would really like a charity to benefit from my efforts so any pennies towards Claire House would be hugely appreciated. Claire House Children's Hospice helps seriously and terminally ill children live life to the full by creating wonderful experiences and bringing back a sense of normality to family life. By providing specialist nursing care and emotional support they help families smile again when life couldn't get any tougher. This is a brilliant , worthwhile charity .