Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I was in a car accident on 2nd Septemebr 2006 and was left with a head injury. Although I count my lucky stars I came out of it a lot better than other people. I spent time in Southampton General hospital in the Wessex Neuro Centre and Salisbury District hospital in HD ICU, ICU and the Stroke ward. I received wonderful care from a team of excellent Doctors and Nurses.
After a while I realised Salisbury is lacking the necessary 'after care' due to not enough funding. I would like to raise awareness of the vital support network that is Headway, which will hopefully start the funding necessary for somewhere permanent for Headway in Salisbury.
Thanks to all those who donate to this very worthy cause. One that not only provides support, advice, and a listening ear to those who are directly affected but also to their partners, children, family, friends and work colleagues.