We are holding events throughout 2020 to help raise money for #TeamJack.
One of our families that came to Nursery faced an unimaginable time recently and very sadly lost their son and brother. Jack was diagnosed back in May 2018 with Diffuse Midline Glioma which is an aggressive cancer of the brain stem. Jack had several operations and multiple rounds of chemotherapy but sadly passed away on October
26th 2018.
Jack spent most of his time on Ward 5 as his symptoms meant he had to have an EVD inserted into his brain to release huge pressure from the cancerous infection in his head.
As well as the ward needing a general refurbishment, they need simple things like working TV’s, new toys and cool things for the children to do and the staff at SCH have been nothing but amazing during Jack’s time with them.
Throughout Jack's illness there were 2 organisations that were absolutely amazing to Jack, his family and friends.
- Sheffield Children's Hospital
- CLIC Sargent
All events we hold throughout the year will go towards the above. We hope you will help us in our fundraising efforts and we thank you all for your continued support.