By grace of Allah, I founded Firdaws Academy website two years ago, and Firdaws App few months ago. Alhamdulilah we and our teachers have taught hundreds of Muslim students (children and adults) Quran sciences, Arabic and Islamic studies from around the world. And Alhamdulilah they are satisfied and happy with our efforts.
Please, have a look at our students and testimonials from this link:
How will we use the funds we collect?
For that reason, we are here, asking every Muslim to help these students and to let them learn Quran, Arabic and Islam.
Our first step: We aim to make it completely Free for 100 students (who can not afford any study fees, such as (orphans, who come from poor countries or having financial difficulties). And by Allah's help, if this firs step success, we are aiming to make it completely Free for other 1000 students in sha Allah.
What are our plan details:
We are aiming to teach 100 poor students Quran, Arabic and Islamic studies for 6 month (the course period).
Each student will study 2 classes weekly and 8 classes monthly (4 study hours per month).
Each student will take 24 study hours within 6 month insha'Allah.
The study hour will cost only 5$ USD and the educating process of each student will cost 120$ USD throughout 6 month.
The learning process of 100 students will cost 12,000$ USD throughout 6 month.
This first learning process for those students will start on Mon, Sep 7 2021 and ends Sun, Mar 7 2022 insha'Allah.