So, for those of you who don't know on 8th July 2011 I'm going to Ghana for 10 days with 12 other students from my school. We are doing a community based project in a village outside of the the main towns, Cape Coast. It will involve renovating and further developing the school in the community, a chance to do some teaching and an opportunity to help with anything the community needs us to help with.
For each of us to go we have to individually raise £1700!!!! This seems a lot however, this is an invauable opportunity for me to visit a country less developed than our own and try to make a difference. Ideally I am hoping to raise as much as I possibly can this will give me and students the chance to take gifts and supplies over to Ghana to the community we're going to.
I hope you can donate and help get me to Ghana, by your giving I am being enabled to go and help a great cause and those less fortunate than ourselves. Even though it seems that i've made the amount that I am required to raise, i am trying to raise as much as I possibly can so please don't be put off and think that I don't need it. No amount is too small, as i've learnt from my fundraising - small amounts add up fast!!!!
Thank you so much and I really appreciate it
Fi xx