For the Chicago and New York Marathons, I raised money for Special Olympics (over $5,000 thanks to all of you!). When I decided to attempt the London Marathon, I realized my favorite charity wasn't available. I began to research my options and Enham Trust jumped out to me immediately! My Key West friends will recognize the mission of this group as something akin to our near-and-dear MARC House. For those beyond the island, let me explain - Enham is located in a small town about an hour outside of London. The aim of the trust is to create opportunities for people with disabilities to live, work and have fulfilling experiences. In short, they aim to make those struggling feel a bit happier, less lonely, more connected to the world around them. And really, isn't that all any of us want? So please, if you're inclined (even though this group is across the pond), consider donating to this hard-working, life-affecting group. After all, we're all one human family, right?